Police service and investigate
Members of the police force behaving inappropriately can lead to a member of the public suffering negative consequences. I shall now give an example of a situation in which this can occur. A police officer doesn't carry out all the checks necessary after a violent burglary has taken place, this results in not collecting enough evidence to find the suspect. And therefore the case is left unsolved. Later on there is another burglary which takes places in the area by the same original burglar. In this case the home owner sustains serious injuries.
This has affected members of the public because another burglary has taken place, which could have been avoided same as the injuries the second victim sustained. Members of the police force have a great responsibility with their job they have to make sure everything is done appropriately, to the best of their ability. One little mistake can cost far too much. Consequences affecting members of that public service: I shall now give an example of an incident which could have negative consequences upon members of the pubic service.
Members of the police force are to work with each other as a team, if a police officer doesn't share al the information they have with the rest of the team it could result other police officers being injured and the investigation being negatively affected by this. This would affect the morale of the team as they would feel frustrated about the events that had taken place and they would loose trust in one another. Consequences involving the force: I shall now give two examples of situations which can affect the police force as a whole:
- If when making an arrest a group of officers used excessive force and the subject sustained serious injuries, then turns out to be innocent. The subject would quite rightly be unhappy about the situation and would sue the force and receive compensation. - Police officers carrying out a 'stop and search' without lawful reasons bring the police into disrepute, as it can then be assumed by people that this 'stop and search' was carried out because of a stereotype towards that person, this could be because of their race, age, or because of the way in which that person is dressed.
Incidents like the ones I have written about have serious consequences in the ways society view the police force. The public would loose respect for the force, and therefore loose part of the authority they have which in turn would make policing in the area harder. Self discipline: It is important that a good level of self discipline is maintained. This involves behaving in the most appropriate way. Self discipline is formed by a number of qualities which are personal presentation, punctuality, time management, reliability, attendance, composure attitude, performance and personality.
I shall now give an outline of what is meant by each of these: Personal presentation: people make assumptions about us judging us by the way we look. This is simply because they will notice out appearance within seconds of seeing us much, much before they get to learn about us. In many cases people you will encounter will never get to know much about you at all. This is why it is important to present yourself in an adequate way. This becomes even more important when you are working within the public services, where it is important to have the respect of society.
This has affected members of the public because another burglary has taken place, which could have been avoided same as the injuries the second victim sustained. Members of the police force have a great responsibility with their job they have to make sure everything is done appropriately, to the best of their ability. One little mistake can cost far too much. Consequences affecting members of that public service: I shall now give an example of an incident which could have negative consequences upon members of the pubic service.
Members of the police force are to work with each other as a team, if a police officer doesn't share al the information they have with the rest of the team it could result other police officers being injured and the investigation being negatively affected by this. This would affect the morale of the team as they would feel frustrated about the events that had taken place and they would loose trust in one another. Consequences involving the force: I shall now give two examples of situations which can affect the police force as a whole:
- If when making an arrest a group of officers used excessive force and the subject sustained serious injuries, then turns out to be innocent. The subject would quite rightly be unhappy about the situation and would sue the force and receive compensation. - Police officers carrying out a 'stop and search' without lawful reasons bring the police into disrepute, as it can then be assumed by people that this 'stop and search' was carried out because of a stereotype towards that person, this could be because of their race, age, or because of the way in which that person is dressed.
Incidents like the ones I have written about have serious consequences in the ways society view the police force. The public would loose respect for the force, and therefore loose part of the authority they have which in turn would make policing in the area harder. Self discipline: It is important that a good level of self discipline is maintained. This involves behaving in the most appropriate way. Self discipline is formed by a number of qualities which are personal presentation, punctuality, time management, reliability, attendance, composure attitude, performance and personality.
I shall now give an outline of what is meant by each of these: Personal presentation: people make assumptions about us judging us by the way we look. This is simply because they will notice out appearance within seconds of seeing us much, much before they get to learn about us. In many cases people you will encounter will never get to know much about you at all. This is why it is important to present yourself in an adequate way. This becomes even more important when you are working within the public services, where it is important to have the respect of society.
Source: law aspect
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